Saturday, June 14, 2014


Here I am sitting in a hotel in West Philadelphia staring at my luggage: two duffle bags of clothes & things, a backpack with the important stuff, and Grandma's guitar. Yesterday was pre-departure training. I met the 50 other people I'll be serving with, they're good people, maybe I'll tell you about them sometime.  In a few hours I'll board a bus to JFK international. From there its will be a long long flight to an airport in Ghana to refuel and drop off some passengers, we stay on the plane. Shortly after that I am told we will land in a Liberian airfield (yeah not an airport, an airfield!). Anyways, I gotta go check out of this hotel room, till next time.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

First Post!

Hello Everyone,

This is my first post on my new blog documenting my Peace Corps experience in Liberia (*for those who don't know I'll be teaching high school math for a while). I leave first thing in tomorrow morning (June 13th) and do not have time to write a lot. This is where I will be posting most of my thoughts, photos and adventures. So, check it out from time to time to see what is going on in my life and I'd love to here from you as well. There will be more to come soon.


               Joe Engmark